Laughter is the Best Medicine: 5 Health Benefits Of Laughter

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‘Laughter is the best medicine’ – We hear this phrase every now and then. This is not just a stated fact but carry an extremely significant meaning, as well. Laughing at least 5-7 times in a day can prove to be highly effective for our overall health. How? Scroll down and find it yourself.

A great Cardiac workout

Laughing with all your heart can prove to be remarkably helpful for your heart health. It can be a great cardiac workout for people who are suffering from any injury. Laughing pumps up the heart, burning as much calories as one can burn by walking at a moderate pace. So, laugh it out and ensure a healthy heart.

Lowers BP

Laughing is indeed the best medicine when it comes to lowering the high blood pressure levels. Laughter can also reduce the risk of minor strokes and heart attack.

Boosts Immunity

Laughing hard can provide an effective boost to the T-cells present in our body. T-cells are the specialized immune cells, which get activated when you laugh thus strengthening the immune system.

Stimulates the release of Endorphins

Endorphins are basically natural painkillers present in our body, which are released while laughing. So, a hearty laughter can ease off all the chronic body pains.

Reduces Stress

Lastly, laughter helps reduce stress. As it is known that stress is the root cause of many diseases, so laughing the stress off can give one a sense of well being and also keep several ailments at bay. Laughing is beyond doubt one of the best stress busters.

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