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‘Depression’ is a condition which is quite prevalent these days courtesy a hectic lifestyle. One might think that this condition is an imaginary one where it is just all in the head, however, on the contrary, depression is a ‘real’ disease, which has an extremely adverse effect on the brain.

There are several reasons, apart from changes in the brain chemistry, that lead to depression which include difficult life situations, stress or any other medical condition. There are many symptoms that are associated with this disease that are commonly found in people who are suffering from depression. These symptoms include:

a) Angry Outbursts

b) Mood Swings 

c) Withdrawal from people

d) Losing interest in any activity

e) Immense Sadness

f) Hallucination 

g) Lack Of Sleep

h) Concentration Problems 

Depression is a common problem. Several studies suggest that one in every 5 women and one in every 10 men suffer from the problem of depression. How to fight this disease? Is there any absolute cure for depression? Let’s find out.

Lifestyle changes and medical aid are the two main requirements for treatment of this disease.


Physical Activity

Indulging in more and more physical activity such as exercise and walk can help ward off the signs of depression. Daily exercise can boost the product of feel good chemicals in the brain such as endorphin and also stimulate the growth of new brain cells that act as anti-depressant.

Eating Well

Healthy eating habits can also be a great way to come out of depression. Eating small and a balanced diet can provide you with required energy along with keeping the mood swings at bay.

Proper Sleep

Proper sleep is a must when it comes to an effective treatment of depression. Sleep deprivation can be a major cause behind increase in irritability, fatigue and sadness.

Get Social

Loneliness is another reason why people suffer from depression. So, spending more time with family, friends or joining any class or group can help fight depression.


Learn about your condition

It is quite important to learn about the depression you have and the ways in which you can treat it. Whether it is due to a medical condition or due to any other reason, find it out and then plan your treatment according to the condition.

Try Different Treatments

Medications alone cannot help in effective treatment of depression. Therapies, yoga and meditation are other such treatments, which you can try, to fight depression in a better way.

Putting it simply, you need to have a positive attitude to fight depression to get rid of this condition in the quickest time.

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