Malaria is a common disease in tropical regions of the world. It is caused by a parasite called plasmodium which is transmitted directly through bites of the female Anopheles mosquito.
Malaria is endemic in Nigeria. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates global fatalities from malaria to be at around 500,000 deaths annually.
If you are a frequent sufferer of malaria, if you are travelling into tropical regions of the world with malaria or at high risk of malaria infection, the following 7 tips will help in preventing occurence:
1. For Travellers Start Preventive Therapy Early
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If you once lived in a malaria endemic location for a period of 6 months to a year but have since left that malaria endemic location for a period up to or greater than 6 months duration, you also would need to start on early preventive therapy whenever you do decide to return to another malaria endemic location as previous immunity acquired has been lost.
2. Keep Yourself Indoors at Night
Stay indoors when its dark outside as mosquitoes fly around more often at night time. Avoid sleeping outside or in the vicinity of areas where mosquitoes like to live e.g standing water, abandoned tyres, lakes and waste dumps.
3. Always Use Mosquito Insecticide Treated Bed Nets
This is compulsory for everybody living in a malaria endemic location. When getting your mosquito insecticide treated nets, go for Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets so as to ensure the insecticidal potency is retained for long periods even after repeated washings. These type of nets are the gold standard in Insecticide treated nets as recommend by WHO. You should screen your windows and doors with mosquito nets too.
4. Use Insect Repellants Creams & Lotion
Use insect repellants creams and lotions during the evening and at night time. Get insect repellants containing DEET (N,N diethylmetatoluamide).They are superb in warding off mosquitoes and are the best mosquito repellants in the market. They are also suitable for use in children but at lower concentrations. Apply to all exposed area of the body such as the arms, legs, face etc.
You might also want to increase your intake of Vitamin B1 and garlic as those also act as natural mosquito repellants in good enough doses.
5. Use Mosquito Spray
To drastically decongest the mosquito population in your home at one go, get a mosquito insecticidal spray. Spray all areas of your home most especially the hidden corners, wardrobes and sleeping areas. Do this at least once every 2 weeks.
6. Keep Your Environment Clean & Tidy
Get rid of the dustbins, clean the gutters surrounding your home, do not leave standing, storage water in your home exposed for mosquitos to breed on them. Do not leave stagnant pool of water anywhere close to your home, they will serve as superb breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
7. High Risk Individuals Should Get Anti Malaria Treatment
Some individuals are considered High Risk for contracting and developing severe malaria infections than others. These high risk individuals includes pregnant women, infants, young children under five years of age, adults over 65 years of agee, people with HIV/AIDS as well as non immune migrants and travellars from non malarial endemic countries. Such high risk people need to have regular anti malaria treatment every 8 to 12 weeks at least.
To learn more on effective preventive therapy for malaria as well as good treatment plans for high risk people, send an email to
If you are not sure on what type of mosquito insectide treated nets to get for you and your family, send an enquiry to
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