Greetings! I would like to tell you about my experience advancing the pharmacy profession at the nation's capital in Washington D.C.! This past weekend, I chose to attend a conference held by the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) that ended up being a blast. During the conference, I was presented with the opportunity to visit Capital Hill and talk with multiple senators and state representatives about the current pressing issues facing student pharmacists and the pharmacy profession. The first topic that I brought up in discussion was the development of Medication Therapy Management (MTM) programs and how the inclusion of pharmacists could make a great impact by providing MTM in transitional/integrated care models (Bill H.R.891/S.274). The second topic that I discussed was the Student Pharmacist Loan Repayment Plan under the National Health Service Corps. While the NHSC performs admirable work in under-served areas of our nation, the pharmacy profession is currently not listed as one of the professions qualifying for school loan repayment. In conversation, I discussed that pharmacists serve an integral role in interdisciplinary health care teams with physicians and are the medication experts in handling patient's drug regimens. Placing a greater emphasis on the pharmacy profession could possibly save the nation $177 billion in medication errors each year (Bill S.48). My interactions with all congressmen were very pleasant with many of them becoming interested in supporting both bills or possibly co-sponsoring! The remaining time in DC was spent at APhA-ASP's Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) where I had the great opportunity of developing my leadership skills in professional-speaker workshops, discussing pharmacy advocacy with student pharmacists from other schools, and touring the capital to see all of the national monuments. This is not even mentioning the great opportunity of networking that I had with the student pharmacists present from all 50 states! APhA-ASP's SLI conference is only one of the great things that I have been able to take apart of while being a member of the organization as a student. With additional conferences this year in Indianapolis, IN and New Orleans, LA; local chapter committees to choose from and perform patient care activities; and being able to hang out with my pharmacy friends at social events; there is almost certainly something in this organization that could be of interest to you! Feel free to check out UofM APhA-ASP's website at I look forward seeing you at their meetings next year!