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The common cold is one of the most frequent occurring human illness known to man. Despite its prevalence, no one has been able to explain how and why most individuals experience at least 1 cold every year.

Recent published research however reviewed 3 important information about the common cold;

1.  Common cold is caused by more than 200 viruses. The most common are the Rhinoviruses.

Rhinoviruses capitalize on cooling temperatures. The longer an individual is exposed to cold temperatures the more likely the chances of contracting the common cold.

Such exposures could be by inhalation of cold air, body surface cooling, feet in contact with cold floor and lowered  core body temperature.

Exposure to such cold temperatures disturbs blood circulation and reduces permeability of blood vessels. Once this happens, nutrition at the tissues deteriorates and resistance to infectious agents reduces considerably. This in turn creates the opportunity for viral cold infections.

It is useful to note that the viral nature of the common cold renders antibiotic use as therapy option in the treatment for cold infections almost useless.

If you can, totally avoid sudden drop in temperature.

2.  Children have a higher likelihood of contracting cold than adults do.

Children seem to have high body heat conductivity. Couple this to their immature immune system and high sensitivity to drop in  temperature (even more than adults), its easy to see why likelihood of contracting the cold virus is quite high in children.

This makes it imperative to keep children well and truly protected from colds and sudden drop in enviromental temperature. Their sensitivity make it more likely for a simple, common cold to progress to more serious respiratory problems suchs pneumonia.

It is also interesting to note that men are more likely to develop colds than women do regardless of age. Researchers believe this is because men's body heat conductivity is higher than in women and women's seeming cold resistance is tied somehow to their reproductive role. It is possible women have developed resistance mechanisms due to the need to protect their unborn foetus from cold.

3.  Only humans and apes can catch colds.

Believe it or not, this is true. This is most likely so because these 2 species are unique in their inability to produce their own ascorbic acid (vitamin c). It is also suggested that certain primates have enhanced body heat conductivity that contributes to fast, deep cooling of their bodies when exposed to cold temperatures.

When next you have a cold, remember to keep a pack of ascorbic handy to help boost your immunity and ward of the cold.

CREDIT: Journal Of Molecular Biology Research

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