Hypertension and its Symptoms

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Hypertension or high blood pressure, as we all know, is a chronic ailment which is quite common among the masses. However, the symptoms of the same are not easy to detect as many people suffer from it without being aware of the same. In some cases, hypertension is diagnosed only when BP is measured and that can sometimes lead to extremely serious complications including heart stroke.

There are basically two categories of High BP :-

a)   Primary   
b)   Secondary

Primary Hypertension is not associated with any specific cause. It can happen to anyone over a period of time. Hereditary blood pressure falls under this category. Secondary Hypertension, on the other hand, occurs due to another adverse health condition.

Although this disease is not associated with many symptoms but there are certain frequent conditions which can be termed as hypertension symptoms. 
These include:

1)    Headaches (from dull to severe)

2)    Dizzy Spells

3)    Shortness Of Breath

4)    Anxiety

5)    Nose Bleed

These symptoms occur only when blood pressure level spikes suddenly. Therefore, the solution to diagnose Hypertension is to get one’s BP checked timely.

Moreover, if you are already suffering from high BP it is imperative to maintain a normal blood pressure level through medications.LifCare, a subscription pharmacy, is the answer to all your BP treatment-related needs. 
Subscribe to LifCare’s services and get your BP medicines delivered to your door with no additional cost. Also, they provide reminders and refills every month so that you never run out of or skip your medicines and stay healthy and fit always.

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