Tattoo: NO regulation on tattoo INKs

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These days in many parts of the world, people are tattooing their body with various inks. Its has been seen that even in the major cities of Nepal, this culture is increasing surprisingly. The main question here arise is Is tattoo safe for our body? 
As the tattoo is the way of imprinting the pigments below our dermal layer.
As the ink is exposed to our body, are we conscious about it? Is the concerned body is really concerned about our health?

What the TATTOO ink contains?

As per the FDA is analyzing tattoo inks and pigments for contaminants, heavy metals, degradants, potentially toxic chemicals—including pH stabilizers, microbicides and coating agents—and other materials that are not intended to be placed into the body.  Its has been reported in many scientific articles that the tattoo ink contain everything from pigments used in printer toner to pigments used in car paint.

What might a tattoo ink may cause?

 It may cause mild rash—redness or bumps—in the area of your tattoo, and you could develop a fever. Serious infections can require months of treatment with a variety of antibiotics. More virulent or aggressive infections may be associated with high fever, shaking, chills, and sweats. If these symptoms arise, you may need antibiotics, hospitalization and/or surgery.

Even after the high risk of the tattoo, the regulated bodies of Nepal is silent. This should be alarm notice to everyone who really cares about their health.


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