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Hypertension or high blood pressure, a condition that is extensively prevalent in India. Blood pressure, as it is known, is the pressure of blood in heart as well as in blood vessels. Low blood pressure can cause dizziness while high blood pressure can be a cause for a severe headache. In both the cases, it can prove to be risky for our overall health. In simple terms, it is quite imperative to maintain our blood pressure level to its healthiest best, i.e. 120/80. Several studies in the past years have suggested certain lifestyle changes, which if followed, can help you achieve a normal blood pressure and sustain it, as well. What are these lifestyle changes? Scroll down to find out

Balance your intake of Carbohydrates

Excessive weight is sometimes regarded as one of the major reasons for blood pressure abnormality. The increase in weight can be said to be directly proportional to our diet especially carbohydrate consumption. Indulge more in a diet with low carbs as it will keep a check on your weight and will ensure you stay fit.

Salt Consumption 

Conventionally, the consumption of salt is considered dangerous when it comes to BP. It is proved that less salt can certainly lower one’s chances of suffering from Hypertension. However, a low-carb diet automatically reduces the salt consumption, which eliminates the need to cutting down the salt consumption. A low carb diet gives you the flexibility to intake a moderate amount of salt.

Physical Activity 

Exercise is the cure for almost every disease. Blood pressure is no exception. Physical activity can improve your body’s ability to digest bad carbohydrates, thus rooting out the main cause of hypertension.

Increase Consumption of Omega-3 and Vitamin-D 

Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin-D supplements, when consumed on regular basis, are known to normalize the blood pressure levels to a great extent.

Keep a tab on your numbers

Get your blood pressure checked regularly as blood pressure often doesn’t come with many symptoms. Ensure it is normal or near to the  normal level and if not then consult your doctor immediately.

Avoid certain things 

There are few things that we consume on a daily basis, which can be the major cause of blood pressure problems. These things include:
a) Alcohol
b) Pain Killers
c) Coffee
d) Nicotine
e) Drugs such as Cocaine

You can also control your blood pressure with LifCare! It is a subscription pharmacy that provides you BP and other chronic medicines at your doorstep. Their monthly reminder service also makes sure you never run out of medicines, thereby, keeping you fit and healthy always.

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