Komoto Healthcare Company

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Hi everyone! My name is Natalie Gong and I am proud to say that I will be a P2 this Fall. P1 year was tough, but we made it through! I am spending my summer interning with Komoto Healthcare Company based in California's central valley. This company first began as a small corner drugstore in Delano, CA, which, over the past 30 years has evolved to include two retail pharmacies, a compounding pharmacy, and a home infusion pharmacy. Komoto Healthcare Company is owned by Dr. Brian Komoto, a generous, easy-going, and dedicated pharmacist and entrepreneur. On my first day as an intern, Dr. Komoto told me that the main idea that led him to where he is today is the fact that he was "never afraid to take risks--even if it meant losing a little money here and there--as long as it was beneficial for the patient."

Shortly after it opened in 1981, at the request of a children's hospital, Komoto Pharmacy began compounding suspensions from tablets as heart medications for children. Their success in this endeavor led to the opening of Optimal Compounding in Bakersfield, CA, which specializes in the compounding of unique formulations for veterinary medications, hormone replacement therapies, and hospice medications. In 1990, Dr. Komoto began Integrated Care Services, a home infusion pharmacy in Visalia, CA. The company has continued to expand and shift throughout the years to fit the needs of the changing population throughout the central valley, state, and they even make a few deliveries to outside states. They have broadened their services to include diabetes and asthma therapy management programs as well as immunizations and home medical equipment.

I will be spending the first six weeks of my internship at Optimal Compounding pharmacy in Bakersfield on Monday through Wednesday and at Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in Visalia on Thursdays and Fridays. The following six weeks, I will be at Komoto Pharmacy in Delano on Monday through Wednesday, and at ICS on Thursdays and Fridays.

I actually completed my 3rd week of interning last week and have already learned and experienced so much! I just haven't had time to do any blogging until now. (The 1 hour and 10 min commute both ways to Bakersfield leaves me super exhausted). I just wanted to give you all a (semi) quick introduction...be prepared for a few stories later this week! :) Hope you all are having a great summer!

Until next time,

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