Pedro´s research is on antibiotic resistance in E.coli from animal and natural water sources, as well as looking at Class 1 Integrons responsible for bacterial horizontal transfer of the resistance genes. I was able to comprehend his presentation more from the Powerpoint than from listening to the Portuguese.. Plus I had already been reading up on similar research papers in the past several weeks. And so I was completely lost during the feedback and discussion afterwards.
Aveiro is a small town north of Coimbra, but I like it because it has been awhile since I saw a nice, new outdoor shopping mall similar to the ones in sunny San Diego. Aveiro is also famous for ovos moles (soft eggs), a typical Portuguese sweet made of egg yolk and sugar. It is enjoyed by many and the freshness is delectable. So after lunch I tried these delicacies with my usual caffe espresso.
Interesting common slogan I learned from a well-traveled Dutch student in Barcelona (yes, what an European international twist!) about the Portuguese: "Party in Lisboa, Study in Coimbra, and Pray in Fatima!" Another joke made by a renowned Portuguese author is that the Portuguese only know three F´s: Futbol, Fado, and Fatima. Fado is traditional Portuguese singing/song, especially famous in Lisboa.